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Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I'm a wedding photographer, mom of three, and wife to my high school sweetheart! I photographed my first wedding almost ten years ago and have since been blessed to work with the most incredible #kjcouples ever since! This is the place where I share peeks into the best wedding days - enjoy!

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Our First Two Months With James

July 26



We’re way behind on getting this post up, but better late than never right?? James will be eleven weeks old this Saturday. I kept telling myself that I’d get his one-month blog up as soon as I had a free moment (ha – I’ve learned that is NOT a thing in the world of motherhood), and before I knew it we went right past the two-month mark as well! So, I am combining both blog posts into one!

James has taught us a lot in the short time that he’s been with us. We went from having never changed a diaper before (not counting the fake baby in our newborn class which definitely does NOT compare at all to a real-life wiggling one) to being able to clean up a diaper blow out in less than a minute without getting peed on. Trust us, it’s way more challenging than it might seem.

Speaking of pee, who knew something so tiny could pee so much? And all over the place? James has painted multiple walls in our house as well as peeing on us and on himself. The first time he managed to hit himself in the face, I didn’t know whether to laugh or be horrified that pee somehow went in his ear! Blake’s response? “At least it is sterile.”

Here’s a little bit about what’s happened over the last two months:

– James Frederick Boyd. Our first son. We chose two family names – James coming from Blake’s grandfather and Frederick coming from mine. When we were first choosing names, we knew pretty early on that James was a top contender. So then we just started searching for names that sounded good with James. When Frederick first came up, Blake said “James F. Boyd … Sounds like a CEO” and it just kinda stuck!

– Having a baby has taught us a lot of patience. We completely understand the saying “the days are long but the years are short.” We look at our 12 lbs. boy and wonder where the time has gone. And yet, we very clearly remember the days of sleep-deprivation and crying. The crying is definitely still a thing – he is only ten weeks old after all. In fact, he likes to test how loud he can get every night while fighting sleep. We’re surprised there isn’t a pathway burned in our carpet from the walking and pacing during witching hour. But once sleep arrives …

– Don’t hate us moms, but James has been consistently sleeping through the night since seven weeks old! It is such a blessing, and we are taking nothing for granted. We are giving all the props to his Snoo bassinet. That thing is a miracle!

– Our cats and Bran, our Golden Doodle, were not exactly thrilled when James first came home from the hospital. In fact, the first time James started crying Bran hid behind Blake! They’re slowly warming up to him (Bran has licked a baby foot exactly once), but family pictures are still a struggle!

– PSA: If you are pregnant, go do things!! Do all the things! We didn’t realize just how hard it is to get out of the house with a newborn. Even now at two months it is still a whole production to make it out somewhere! We are very thankful for Amazon Prime because that is basically how we survived the first month!!

– Pictures. We’ve taken sooo many pictures of James. James sleeping. James eating. James crying. James smiling. They’ve mostly been on our phones since that’s way easier than pulling out our big cameras. Luckily, writing this blog post has forced us to somewhat organize all of those pictures so that we can share them with you!

So without further ado, here’s a look at our first two months as a family of three:


He didn’t come into the world at all how we planned, but we’re just glad that he arrived safely (and screaming).


James has met lots of people during his time Earthside.


Including his two Great-Grandmothers.


We had some really unfortunate hair in between months one and two where it was falling out on the top but still growing in the back. He looked like an old man! Luckily, we are now well on our way to a full head of hair!


One of the many failed attempts at a family picture.


This guy already loves visiting the lake and riding around on Pops’ boat.


Except for that time we stuck him in this life jacket. But no worries because another one was found and that one is much preferred! Safety first!


Two-Month pictures went way smoother than the previous month!


But family pictures are still a work in progress.


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