Two years ago we made our first “Behind the Scenes” blog post, sharing a few of the funny moments that happened behind the camera that year. After receiving a ton of great responses, we started saving up all those crazy moments and sharing them at the end of the year in what has become our absolute favorite post! Throughout the year, we always hear how much you guys love this post and it just makes us even more excited to share it every year! So without further ado, here’s our “not-so-greatest-moments” of 2018.
Let’s start at the very beginning. Where every great session starts. With the many faces of the “test shot”.
And the many poses of the test shot.
In fact, Blake is the best at helping me test my camera settings. (He also really likes that purple shirt.)
He really gets into character. Like this time when I asked him to stand where we planned to hang the dress, and he thought “why not BE the dress??”
As you go through this post, you may notice that Blake is in the majority of our Behind the Scenes shots.
But that is only because he really, REALLY loves his time in front of the camera.
And he knows how much our clients love it too. I mean, doesn’t everyone want a picture with Blake hanging above their mantle?
But all joking aside, our clients are incredibly special to us!
(Pictured: two past KJ couples, including our very first KJ bride & groom! Love you guys!)
And we always put their happiness & comfort above all else. Whether it’s keeping them dry on rainy wedding days…
… keeping them cool during summer months …
… removing uninvited hitchhikers (aka bugs) from dresses …
… getting the perfect champagne pour …
… helping them cross uncharted territory …
… or finding the last remaining light-up tambourine for their best friend …
… We play many more roles beyond just “photographer” on the wedding day.
We’re boutonniere-pinners.
We’re sparkler-lighters.
We move getaway cars.
We help your guests find the bathroom …
… and make sure that they don’t get wet after an impromptu pre-ceremony rain shower.
And don’t forget our hidden talent for getting animals to “cooperate” for pictures.
Needless to say, we really love every aspect of our job.
Because there’s nothing better than spending the entire day with amazing people on the best day of their lives.
Oh, and eating wedding cake of course.
And we can’t end the post without giving a special mention to all of Blake’s veil “fluff-and-runs” of 2018.
Sometimes they’re easy.
And sometimes there are obstacles. Like trees.
And hedges.
And sometimes the veil just wants to come along with Blake.
So here’s to all the amazing moments from 2018 and to the many more to come in 2019! We can’t wait!!
Did you enjoy this year’s Behind the Scenes post? Check out posts from previous years.
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