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Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I'm a wedding photographer, mom of three, and wife to my high school sweetheart! I photographed my first wedding almost ten years ago and have since been blessed to work with the most incredible #kjcouples ever since! This is the place where I share peeks into the best wedding days - enjoy!

photographer for crazy in love couples


my name is

Behind the Scenes 2016

January 1



With the completion of our final wedding of the year and the start of 2017, we want to take a moment to share some of our best (and worst) shots of 2016. This is one of our most favorite blog posts because it gives us the chance to reminisce on all the fun we had this year – and laugh at ourselves too! As we go through weddings, engagements, and portrait sessions throughout the year, we always manage to come home with a few behind-the-scenes shots here and there.

Sometimes they are intentional.


Most of the time they are just test shots.

And then there are just those times when we get in each other’s way.

Or more accurately, Blake gets in Katie’s way.

Like, a lot.

So, here we go! Enjoy some of our most (un)flattering moments from 2016!

Let’s start with the many faces of a test shot.

In addition to being an excellent test subject, Blake has many other special talents. He is a dress hanging master and can work magic with a veil.

And he is an expert at picking pine straw out of our brides’ wedding dresses.

And when it comes to fixing our seniors’ tassels, Blake is a pro.

Oh, and he’s pretty handy when it comes to showing our college seniors the perfect way to pop a champagne bottle.

It’s no secret that we love what we do.

And that’s because we aren’t just photographers.

We’re also dog whisperers.

And hair stylists.

And don’t get us started on what we can do with a veil.

And we’ll do whatever it takes to get “the shot”.

No matter what we have to climb on or what positions we have to contort our body into.

And let’s not forget our trusty stool, who helps us when we need that little extra height.

But the main reason we do what we do is because of our amazing clients.

Who give us every reason to love our job.

So bring it on 2017! We are so excited to meet new couples and continue growing our relationships with past, present, and future KJ family members!

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